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My Projects comprise deep learning, web development and programming work. GitHub link
for all the projects provided.

Shopify Logo


Shopify Real-time Data Syncing System

Extracts data from the REST API of Shopify to integrate it into a more conventional database like PostgreSQL, making it easier and more convenient for analyzing and reporting real-time data.

  • github


Patient-to-health Care Providers: Remote Video Chat Interface

The web application connects patients to any available healthcare providers who have access to the platform, allowing health professionals to directly communicate with the patients.

Patient-to-health Care Providers: App Interface
  • github
Face Mask Detection Image


Face Mask Detector

Developed a model using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architecture, with the layers built through TensorFlow. It detects whether a person is wearing a mask through a live video stream.

  • github


Stock Market Predictor

A project forecasting stock market indices using a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) method.

  • github
Stock Market Predictor
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